Ms. Gnanavi Bopaiah

Ms. Gnanavi Bopaiah - Assistant Professor (Law)
B.A., LL.B.; LL.M.; N.E.T.; (Ph.D.)
Being an alumnus of Ramaiah College of Law (2016), Ms. Gnanavi practiced as an advocate, dealing with civil litigations, and criminal complaints for the dishonor of cheques, divorce, and consumer disputes. Alongside practice, she was a Guest Faculty at Sheshadripuram and St. Joseph’s College of Law, Bangalore. Subsequently, she pursued her LL.M. from O.P. Jindal Law School (2019), in "Corporate and Financial Law and Policy", wherein she secured 2nd Rank (silver medal) and was also awarded a Certificate of Achievement for “Outstanding All-round Performance” by Jindal Global University. As a student at RCL, she had participated in various National and International Moots. She has pursued a Diploma in "Internet Law and Policy" by GNLU and a P.G. Diploma in "Animal Welfare" by IGNOU. She has participated in an International Confluence of Academicians (2020), hosted by Kathmandu Law School among various other National and International Webinars.
She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. (Law) from WBNUJS, Kolkata.
At RCL, she has been teaching Contract Law and Legal Methods. She has recently published her paper “Corporate Governance in Dysfunctional Family-run Companies” in NLUJ’s Journal on Corporate Law and Governance (Volume 3, Issue 2, 2020), themed: Mounting Risks in the Current Corporate Governance Regime.
She is the Coordinator of ‘Ramaiah Research, Consultancy and Extension Centre’ at the Institution, under which she has been extending consultancy services to Ramaiah Evolute, in the drafting of commercial agreements. She is also the Founding Coordinator of the 'Law and Entrepreneurship Society’ at the Institution. She has been a member of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at the Institution, dealing with NAAC Accreditation and other rankings for more than two and a half years. She has previously been the Coordinator of ERP and of the Alumni Association, at the Institution.