Mr. Ashoka Naika B G
Dr. Ashoka Naika B G - Assistant Professor
BAL. LL.B., LL.M., PGDAS, PGDGJ and L (Ph.D.)
Mr. Ashoka Naika B G has completed his education – B.A.L. - LL.B (Five Year Integrated Course), LL.M. and Ph.D. – from University Law College & P.G Department of Studies in Law Bangalore University, Bangalore, Karnataka. Completed PGDAS (Ambedkar Studies) and PGD GJ and L (Gender Justice in Law). Participated at Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College University Delhi, sponsored by Ministry of Human Resources Development, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaiva National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, Participated in Research Methodology Workshop at Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra and at Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC).
Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Legal Method, Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, Civil Procedure Code, Transfer of Property Act, Human Rights Law, Families Law, Contract I, Public International Law, Intellectual Property Rights, Banking Law and Negotiable Instrument Act
- “Status and Conditions of Police Personnel in India: Human Rights Perspective,” “Challenges Confronting Subordinate Police Personnel in India: A Constitutional and Judicial Approach”
- “An Assessment to Ensure the Human Rights of Police Personnel in India; A Study”
- “Work Pressure and Conditions of Police Personnel in Preventing crime against Women in India: A Critical Study”
- Judge 3rd REVA National Moot Court Competition, 2023 REVA University.
- New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore “Indian Constitution and Legal Awareness”
- South East Asian Educational Institution, Bangalore “Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights andthe role of Indian Judiciary”
- Karnataka University Post Graduate Centre, Gadag (MBA Dept.) “Awareness and Corporate Laws to Young Entrepreneurs”
- St. Aloysius College Autonomous, Mangalore “Juxtaposition of Rights and Practices of Police Authorities in times of COVID-19”
- The Indian Conclave “Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Champions of Minorities”
South East Asian Law College, Kristu Jayanthi College of Law, Attended and presented papers at various International / National Seminar / Workshops