Ms. Ayesha Rao

Ms. Ayesha Rao - Assistant Professor
B.A.LL.B, LL.M. (Corporate and Commercial Law), (Ph.D.)
She is certified by IQAC Wilson College on Revised NAAC Assessment and Accreditation. She has completed Karnataka Junior Grade Vocal from Bharatanjali Dance and Music Institute. She is a certified Paralegal Volunteer (PLV) under District Legal Services Authority Udupi, Karnataka. She has work experience as Assistant Professor as well as a Legal Assistant.
Her areas of Interests are Human Rights, International Law, Constitutional law, Intellectual Property Law, Criminal Laws and Labour Laws. She has presented and published papers under various law journals. As a resource person, she has addressed various aspects like ‘IPR and Food Industry’, ‘Understanding Intellectual Property Rights’, ‘Drafting of Moot court Memorials’ etc.
She represented Udupi district in Singing National Song sung by over 2000 Degree College Students in creating a Golden Book of World Record (2018). She was awarded as “The Best Mooter 2017-18” for being constantly active and securing awards at National Intercollegiate and Inter class Moot Court Activities.
Currently, she is appointed as IQAC Asst. Co-ordinator, Faculty Co-ordinator of Centre for ADR Studies, Faculty Co-ordinator of Event Management Committee & Faculty Co-ordinator of Certificate Course on Human Rights. She is also doing her doctoral studies under Christ (Deemed to be ) University, Bangalore.