Mr. Badal Chatterjee

Mr. Badal Chatterjee - Assistant Professor (Law)
B.A.LL.B. (Hons.), LL.M., UGC-NET
Mr. Badal Chatterjee is a highly experienced and accomplished legal professional with a proven track record of success in teaching, research, and public speaking. He is a graduate of Law College Dehradun, Uttaranchal University and Department of Law, Central University of Kerala, where he specialized in Constitutional Law, Intellectual Property Laws, and Laws of Taxation. He is the recipient of the Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer Memorial Merit Award awarded by Hon’ble Mr. Justice S. Manikumar, Chief Justice of High Court of Kerala for securing University Rank 1 in his post graduation. He qualified the UGC-NET in 2019.
Mr. Chatterjee has held a variety of teaching and research positions at leading universities in India, including the National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS), Kochi, Kerala (Guest Faculty and Resident Tutor); Noida International University, Delhi NCR (Assistant Professor); and Jaipur National University, Jaipur, Rajasthan (Assistant Professor). In these roles, he has taught a wide range of courses, including Constitutional Law, Taxation Law, Environmental Law, Evidence etc. He has also published extensively in leading law journals, and his research has been cited by jurists and students around the world. He has provided two certificate courses on Intellectual Property Laws and Environment Laws for Amikus Qriae (registered under IPA, 1932 & Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India) and Legal Intelligence (Law Forum & Educational Research Centre), Delhi respectively.
Mr. Chatterjee is a highly sought-after speaker and has been invited to judge moot court competitions and mediation tournaments at universities and organizations around the world, including University of Georgia, Tbilisi; Principia College, Elsah, Illinois, U.S.A; Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa, Arpit School of Law, Sri Lanka etc. He has judged the US, Russian, and Indian National Rounds of Philp C. Jessup Moot along with various other international and national moots. As an active orator, Mr. Chatterjee won Trial Advocacy competitions and participated in various national and international moot court competitions during his graduation days. He has moderated various Model United Nations and Youth Parliaments for various organizations. As an avid debater, he has participated in various Oxford-Contemporary Model, Lincoln-Douglas, and Parliamentary Debates and has won many and has been invited to judge various parliamentary debates by various prestigious Universities, including, LCD, UU, RGNUL, IIT-D etc.
He is a member of the editorial board of several law journals and has served on the boards of several legal organizations. He was the Department Representative in the Student’s Council in his post graduation days and was the Convenor of the Debating Society and co-founder of the Youth Parliament Society in his graduation days.