Engineering Study Options in The Post Corona World

Wondering Which Branch Will Open up a Better Career in Engineering Post COVID-19? Read on! 

With the global pandemic unleashing itself on the world in 2020, all hopes turned towards the medical fraternity across the world. While the medical fraternity took up the fore against the virus, this Coronavirus attack has opened up massive new possibilities for the engineering world. COVID-19 has brought to the fore technological shortcomings that are affecting our fight against the virus. The post Coronavirus world will demand engineering marvels that help organisations, people and the world as a whole brace themselves better against such deadly threats. This is the right time for engineers to rise up to the challenge and use their skills to fill in the gaps and equip the world in a better way for the future. 

From spreading awareness through a web-based dashboard to identifying and preventing diseases using AI, the opportunities are tremendous for those who would like to take up engineering as a subject for higher education in the post COVID19 world. 

So what are these possibilities that have opened up in the wake of the Corona virus attack for those looking for a career in engineering? Let’s take a look: 

1.Electronics and Communication: In the post COVID world, automation will become a must have. Electronic engineers will play an integral role in devising sensor-based sanitizer dispensing systems, disease-surveillance systems, apps for early detection of diseases through Smartphones, systems that facilitate remote operability, integration of sensors etc. Future preparedness will be the priority for organisations and engineers will play a vital role.

2.Information Technology: While the world is slowly adopting online learning and working practices, the need for engineers who can devise effective learning systems and platforms, applications for conducting online meetings and conferences will continue post lockdown. The demand for such engineers will arise across sectors and hence this branch of engineering holds much potential. 

Furthermore, IT engineers will move beyond creation of software and applications to devising systems that can indicate and provide early detection of diseases and spreading awareness about different kinds of threats and diseases. 

3. Mechanical Engineering: During the pandemic, there was a sudden surge in demand for PPE kits and ventilators. This will serve as the guiding light for mechanical engineers, who will be required to prepare customisable assembly lines that can be put together with involvement of less labour, less time and minimum modifications. Mechanical engineers will serve an instrumental role in reviving the economy by providing such customisable assembly lines and furthering production, post lockdown

4. Robotics: With viruses such as COVID-19, the biggest threat is the contagious nature of the diseases. The demand for zero-contact approach will grow in the years to come, thus increasing the demand for robotic medical staff and goods delivery system to bring down fatalities. This is a huge opportunity for students who are looking for an engineering career in Bengaluru, as you can find robotics courses available in the top engineering colleges in Bengaluru such as the Cambridge Institute of Technology.

5.Cyber-Security: With online activities on the rise, the digital world becomes a hotbed for hackers and cyber criminals. This will result in a growing need for cyber security engineers who will be required to secure online platforms across sectors. 

6.Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence: Machine learning and artificial intelligence will become areas of tremendous growth with the world moving to the digital space for business. Both can be instrumental in gathering personalised medical data, predicting health risks, identification of patients and analysing their health history. 

7.Embedded Systems: The demand for test kits, robotic trolleys, automatic pill dispensers, which are all embedded handheld systems will rise, thus causing for a surge in demand of engineers who specialise in the technology. If you are someone who is interested in pursuing studies in embedded systems, you can look at colleges in Bengaluru that allow high quality education, training and placement opportunities in Bengaluru. 

COVID-19 has taught the world the importance of preparedness. This is a mantra that the global community will hold close to them for years to come. However, COVID19 will leave the world a different place with new opportunities and challenges. While the medical fraternity forms the frontline today in defending us from the deadly disease, engineers will form the backbone of this fight in the future and to a strong economy post COVID 19.