

The key word that features high on any human being's list is HOPE. More so for a teacher. We deal with little beings; gentle, developing minds, each one of who is receptive to a unique ministration. It does not put us off the task if a child is not responding. We try again and again. In very rare instances do we need special help. We believe in ourselves, we HOPE for the best outcomes. It is a delight to see our little learners blossom and come into their own. The feeling is akin to how a parent feels when their babies take their first steps...but we have to let go as they all pass out of the teacher's hands into the world, literally. Students need to explore their areas of interest, specialise in them and turn them into their strengths. We teachers help them discover themselves as they go through the following experiences in school:

  • Exposure to the drill and practise in academics
  • The physical challenges endured in sports along with mental agility and the ability to take failure in the right spirit
  • The challenges faced in leading a group or being an active member of a team working towards a common goal
  • Overcoming the nervousness experienced on stage, in front of an audience, during class assemblies
  • Falling in step with the team, to be in sync with the beat and the rhythm of the performing arts
  • Ability to speak, express, present, demonstrate, showcase before an audience.
  • Ability to create original pieces of work in literature and visual art or models in science by applying the laws.
  • Getting conditioned to thinking, reasoning, constant questioning and probing.

Life in a school for a teacher-facilitator is everything to do with discovering and rediscovering, constantly seeking practical solutions, facing the challenges offered by the newer generations and conglomerating the best of the various methods known in the teaching learning process in order to produce best results.

~ Clara David,
Vice Principal, FIS


Our Pre Primary programme in FIS provides an atmosphere that nurtures an early enthusiasm for learning, fosters each child's curiosity and creativity by empowering him or her to question and think out of the box. Our unique activity based environment addresses every child's developmental needs be it social, emotional, cognitive or physical. We have a non-competitive environment wherein children are encouraged to do their best rather than compete with others. Our Pre Primary not only prepares children for formal schooling and instils values but also kick-starts the process of grooming them physically, emotionally and mentally for the road ahead.

~ Parvathi . A.A,
Pre Primary Coordinator- FIS